AIP: Amelia Island Plantation
FC: False Crawl or abandoned nesting attempt, the turtle crawls out of the water but does not nest
Initial with Number: Name of nest, permitted volunteers initials with the number of nests they have verified
Insitu: Clutch of eggs left in place and not relocated
Relocated: Clutch of eggs removed from original nest site and placed in a man-made nest
SRA: State Recreation Area, south end of island managed by Talbot Island State Park
FWC: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Nest: Name of nest
Date Emerge: Date of first emergence
Live in Nest: Number of live hatchlings found in nest
Dead in Nest: Number of dead hatchlings found in nest
Live Pipped: Number of live hatchlings found in an egg that is pipped, or broken open
Dead Pipped: Number of dead hatchlings found in egg that is pipped, or broken open
Unhatched: Number of unhatched eggs remaining in nest
Shards: Number of empty eggs shells
Live Emerge: Number of live hatchlings calculated to have left the nest on their own
Our nesting season is over. See our 2024 crawl and nest activity list for nest informataion. As directed by the FWC, AISTW marks nests with nest name only and shares only nest name, date, and volunteers on this website.