AISTW monitors sea turtle activity on 11.5 miles of beach (between the state parks).  We have been doing this since 1986. The data collected is reported to the  Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission (per Permit No MTP-088) under both the FWC Statewide Nesting Beach Survey and the FWC Index Nesting Beach Survey. 
See our AISTW Links page for learning more.  

Comparison of 2020 to 2016 individual nest incubation periods

The temperature of each egg clutch is affected by weather and other factors that vary by location on the beach.  This shows why it is very difficult to predict when a nest will emerge.   

Florida-wide sea turtle nesting SNBS and INBS survey statistics

For DNA tracking of the sea turtles that nest on and near Amelia Island, see our
AISTW Genetics Research Page
The DNA tracking helps us better understand that our turtles pretty much do return to near where they were born, and how many times they nest in a season.

2016-2024 monthly average nest incubation periods

The temperature of the egg clutch determines the length of incubation, where warmer means shorter. This is why incubation is longer at the beginnig of the season.

AI 2023 beach width ranges

How much the different high tides affect the size of our beach. Tutles should, but don't always, know to lay above the highest tide